Got approval? Got banned? Got consent?
14 crucial answers you MUST know to send Twilio SMS marketing campaigns
Written by a Twilio Preferred Partner/Reseller

Most asked questions when starting Twilio SMS campaigns

Tips for business text marketing from hundreds of customers

This free guide is for ...
Business Owners
Grow your customer base and boost revenue with SMS marketing.
Learn how much does it cost to send a text message? And how does Twilio SMS work?
Marketing Directors
Maximize your SMS campaign ROI and drive customer engagement.
Discover how to use Twilio 10DLC campaigns properly? How to do brand registration and campaign registration for text marketing?
Campaign Managers
Master the art of SMS marketing and achieve campaign success.
Understand how long does it take to get approved? How many text messages can you send in an hour?
What Numbers
Want short codes? Got 10DLC? Consider Toll-Free?
We will show you the differences between
Short Codes
📞 5-6 digits
👍 Super high-throughput for SMS marketing campaigns!
👎 Starts at $1000 per month.
📞 10 Digit Long Code, or "local numbers".
👍 $1.5 to $10 per month campaigns
👎 Heavy filtering by carriers
📞 8xx numbers
👍 Easier to send more SMS messages per month
👎 Carriers prefer 10DLC for texting
Need a Twilio partner to provide a white glove service?
Get Approved or Get Your Money Back
We’re so confident in our process that we offer a 100% money-back guarantee if we can’t get your SMS campaigns approved by Twilio.
Our 100% Money Back Guarantee to You
You'll get your money back 100% if we don't get your Twilio campaign approved.
Our price is $100 per consulting hour up to 3 hours to get your campaign registered and going.
First 30 minutes free.
Is it 100% money back guarantee for sure?
Yes, we'll give you a full refund if your campaign is not approved.
What do you need from me?
Your legal business information and a legitimate business practice.
What's an unacceptable business practices?
In general: SHAFT (Sex, Hate, Alcohol, Firearms, Tobacco), violations, spam, phishing.
How long does it take to get approved?
The consulting hours: usually between 1 hour and 2 hours, up to 3 hours.
The wall clock time: usually between 2 to 4 business days to approve.
Where can I check your credentials?
You can find us from Twilio partner listing and see joint PR with Twilio.
We Go Beyond Twilio Campaign Approval
Here are a couple more ways to get more leads to market.

Set up a poster in front of your store!
"Text Love to xxx-xxx-xxx Get your 2nd Donut for Free!"

Set up a website widget to capture visitors
Website visitors can send you an SMS, then you collect their number too!
After Approval ➡️ Start Sending's SeaX for text messaging helps you send bulk SMS and have 2-way conversations.
SMS Campaign Feature Videos
📲 Bulk Messaging & Scheduled Send
Users can monitor campaign progress, export campaign reports, and manage customer responses and conversations
💬 Conversations & 2-Way Texting
Apply labels for conversations/contacts, and initiate personalized conversations effortlessly.
🏢 Agency & Franchise Mode
Manage multiple clients or locations using workspaces. Each workspace has multiple phone numbers too.
How to deal with the Twilio 30007 Errors?
Carriers might filter your messages for various reasons, such as spam, content restrictions, throughput, fishy, policy violation, inappropriate opt-out. What triggered this filtering? Book a meeting with us for a deep dive!