Let's Dig into Your Recordings

Whether it's customer service calls, sales meetings, or internal discussions, these recordings aren't just historical records—they're valuable assets for untapped business insights.

Don't Let Valuable Recording Data Go to Waste

Have numerous audio files? Struggling to find time to review them? There's a wealth of hidden treasures waiting to be discovered within.

Easily transcribe large volumes of recordings and create custom dashboards tailored to your business needs.

Not only will this give you a comprehensive view of your current business operations, but it also serves as a long-term tool for monitoring and analyzing business dynamics, helping you quickly identify issues and uncover new opportunities.

Our Services

Uncover Business Insights

Extract valuable information from large volumes of recordings to identify problems and opportunities within your business, boosting performance and operational efficiency.

Save Time and Labor

With an automated process for transcription and analysis, you eliminate the tedious task of manually reviewing recordings, allowing your team to focus on more valuable tasks.

Custom Dashboard

Tailored to your business needs, SeaMeet Enterprise can create custom dashboards to continuously monitor key business metrics, ensuring you stay on top of your business pulse at all times.

Simple and Easy Analysis Process

1️⃣ Upload Recordings

Organize your recordings, and you're ready to start using SeaMeet. Upload the audio files to the designated location or through the API, and we'll immediately begin the transcription process.

2️⃣ Customize Analysis Requirements

Next, simply list your business metrics and needs. Our expert analysts will collaborate with you to design a dashboard that perfectly fits your daily business requirements.

3️⃣ Dashboard Setup and Adjustments

We’ll build the dashboard based on your needs and review the results together. If you have ongoing new recordings, we can also set up a data pipeline to automatically update your dashboard.

Success Stories

We analyze recordings and help find insights for various industries

Customer Service Quality Monitoring

Companies often store large volumes of customer service recordings but find it challenging to analyze them individually. By processing recordings in bulk, generating transcriptions, and customizing analysis reports, you can monitor customer service quality, identify operational issues, recognize training needs, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Sales Team Performance Analysis

Sales teams hold numerous meetings with potential clients daily. Automatically transcribing meeting content and providing customized analysis based on performance metrics, customer responses, conversion rates, and customer needs can help optimize team strategies and improve performance.

Legal Affairs and Compliance Review

Law firms and corporate legal departments frequently handle a large number of meeting and phone recordings. Transform recordings from mere playback to actionable insights by quickly transcribing and organizing them, and generating compliance reports to ensure all communication records meet legal and regulatory requirements.

Market Research and Consumer Surveys

Market research firms conduct numerous consumer interviews that need transcription and analysis. Automate this process and generate data analysis dashboards based on specific research objectives to better understand consumer behavior and market trends.

Start analyzing your recordings today

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