Contact Center of the Future

Your workforce optimized contact centers, powered by SeaSuite

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Omni-channel contact center software for chat and calls

Built for Agents

Built for Customers

AI Automation to Empower Your Service Workflow

Case & Ticketing

Contact Management

SeaMeet Voice Intelligence

AI-Powered Knowledge Base

Future of Contact Centers

Cross-channel Customers

Web/mobile focus

Present in multiple channels

Prefer self service

Loyal but demanding (e.g., support always online)

Lower satisfaction threshold: unhappy customers create greater damage due to social media

Super Agent

Relationship hub: By untilizing tool like post-call CSAT survey and preview cases beforehand, agents can build loyal customers, instead of providing simple Q&A

Realtime business insight and speech coaching

Recommendation: cross sell or upsell

Multi-skill training of customer support representatives with automation process features including but no limit to Canned Response improve agent’s workflow

AI Automation Powered by SeaSuite

SeaChat AI Chatbot and Voicebot to Handle routine questions

Leverage intelligence to serve your customers 24x7

Customizable bot scenarios with flexibility to meet your business needs

Cloud-based Infrastucture

No hardwired phone lines anymore

Shielding from next pandemic

Either be distributed or clustered

Reducing opex cost

Cross-channel or omnichannel

Built on top of existing platforms such as, Twilio Flex, ZenDesk, AWS Connect, MessageBird

DevOps centric: continuously evolving and updating





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If you want to learn more about SeaX contact center solution using Twilio Flex, please submit your email.

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